
November 2018



As moms, it’s easy for us to take on the lioness’s share…


Motherhood is: Forgetting to move the Elf on the Shelf

I'm sorry for the time I left you in the refrigerator for 48 hours.


Childcare costs more than college in some states—and that needs to change

Exorbitant childcare costs are a burden on a generation already struggling.


These are the highest rated toys + gifts under $50 from Target

Instead of spending hours searching for the perfect gift, trust the experts—mamas and kids!


Being a single mom over the holidays can be lonely—but there’s still so much joy

But our lives are full of love, happiness and health.

The Holidays

We celebrate Hanukkah *and* Christmas—in our own way

As a new blended family, I realize we make our own traditions up as we go along.


How to give up yelling and overcome your anger, mama

Anger is often the mask that sadness hides behind.


My best friend and I decided to move in together and co-parent our children

Our arrangement goes beyond that of roommates. We're genuinely leaning on each other; when one of us has more capacity than the other, she tags in.


You know your baby better than Google, mama

My daughter's failure to acquiesce to so-called expert advice heralded the beginning of a new way of living, for both of us. One that strives to work with her needs, rather than struggle against them.


I tell my kids it’s okay to fail—so I need to start telling myself, too

Maybe if we actually believed the things we say, the entire structures of our lives, vocations, and relationships would feel less tenuous. We'd believe that even if they got knocked down, we could put them back up just the same as before but with the weaker areas reinforced, stronger in the long run.
