Hilary Barnett, Author at Motherly

Hilary Barnett

Hilary is the Founder and CEO of Savvee, a boutique digital marketing agency based in Nashville, and Founder of The New Mystique, a community of women re-imagining the possibilities for mothers who work.

Affirmations for the ‘good enough’ mom

I choose to love and care for my children from a place of abundance, not of lack.

August 9, 2017

Motherhood is not the end of the adventure—it’s a new beginning

Motherhood has a way of making even adventure that much more of one. In the best of ways.

June 15, 2017

In celebration of the Mom Squad

8. We accept. We love. We recognize that we are all different and we need each other so. very. badly.

May 10, 2017

You know what’s best for you + your baby—including what type of childcare they need

Every single mother I know is figuring it out as she goes, making it work along the way.

May 2, 2017
Woman wearing a coat and holding a briefcase

Productive + focused: Why mothers are rock star employees

Mothers know that when the children are napping, they have a set amount of time to accomplish something. 

April 27, 2017