Sarah Pool, MA, LPC, NCC, Author at Motherly

Sarah Pool, MA, LPC, NCC

Sarah Pool, MA, LPC, NCC, is a licensed professional counselor and nationally certified counselor. She holds a certificate from Yale's Center of Emotional Intelligence (RULER trained), Postpartum Support International (PSI), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), hypnotherapy and has attended a multitude of trainings on cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and mindfulness. Sarah has experience as a school counselor and in her private practice, she works with parents and women in the postpartum period.

mom kissing her smiling newborn - postpartum ocd

Postpartum OCD and intrusive thoughts: What new moms need to know

How to tell the difference between intrusive thoughts and symptoms of something bigger.

December 9, 2022
mom comforting stressed or depressed teen

AAP now recommends screening all kids 12 and up for depression and suicide risk

Depression and suicide risk in children has reached unprecedented levels. Last year…

June 13, 2022