I will be the first to admit: I have a killer mom squad.

Here are some reasons I know this.

1. We make it a point to meet, text, Snapchat and call when we can.

2. We have grace for each other when we can’t keep up and allow space when we need it.

3. We are honest about the hard truths in our lives.

4. We love, hold, comfort, diaper, entertain and wrangle each other’s kids.

5. We feed each other and each other’s kids.

6. We bring coffee. And wine.

7. We don’t make assumptions, judgments or critique about each other’s specific lifestyle choices, parenting styles and approaches to mothering.

8. We accept. We love. We recognize that we are all different and we need each other so. very. badly.

9. We are driven toward each other by our deep need for connection, community and the knowledge that mothering need not be done on an island.

10. We are determined to maintain our village, at all costs. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

I recognize that this mom squad is a total gift, one that many are still searching to find. I am not unaware of what a unicorn situation this can be for many mothers. But I wanted to outline this, not to boast, but to say that I am grateful.


The “village” certainly doesn’t look the same today as it used to—we can’t just walk next door and ask our sister, cousin, or friend to hold our child, or spend all day working together in the kitchen. Life is more complicated. But even though pursuing your own village can sometimes feel like an extra effort on top of everything else, it is worth it.

So here’s to saying “me too,” to seeking out those moms who can come around you and support you and to knowing that when we lock arms as mothers and friends there is no limit to what we can do.