The early days of motherhood are as raw and real as they come, and there’s no doubt that mothers of multiples feel this even more intensely. Danya is a mother of quadruplets (plus an older son), and when her children were newborns, her husband was often on the road for work. This photo, which quickly went viral after Dayna shared it on her Instagram page, Hello Quadruplets, shows an authentic snapshot of what postpartum life really looks like with multiples after her babies came home from the NICU.

Dayna reminisces, “This one really shows the rawness of how crazy and messy the first few weeks with quadruplets is. I basically lived in bed with them back then while my husband was on the road for work. I lived off a couple hours of sleep at night between them waking up and having to pump.”

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Pretty incredible, right? Exhaustion didn’t prevent this mama from being prepared, however.

Dayna writes, “I had my nightstand covered with everything I needed, my pump, milk containers, their bottles, formula, their reflux medicine, pacifiers and drinks and snacks for me. I had the bed lined with Snuggle Me beds for when I needed to pump so they didn’t grab the cords. Most of the day this is where you would find me, snuggled up with four little babies.”

As the old saying goes, “the days are long, but the years are short” (why is this SO accurate?), and Dayna looks back on this time fondly.

“I actually miss those days, they went so fast. I feel like I was destined to be a quadruplet mom. Though it was tough, I have loved every minute of it.”