“There will be so many times you feel like you’ve failed, but in the eyes, heart and mind of your child, you are super mom.”

Stephanie Precourt

Have you crossed the finish line?

Adrienne from Stylish Bump takes us through her thought process about whether she is finished having children or not, in a #MotherlyStory. “Of course, my older daughters are all for it. (They’re still young!) My husband is happy if I’m happy. If I’d like another baby, then he’s all for it. Ultimately the decision is up to me.”

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Super Mom!

One of our favorite mamas around, Chrissy Powers, shares five superpowers she utilizes on a daily basis, like multitasking. “You cook the dino-nuggets while you’re unloading the dishwasher, while you’re playing princess with your daughter, while you’re trying to reply to an email…all while holding a baby on your hip.” We bow down, mama.

Work from home?

…and need a better vibe? Lisa Kanarek, home office design specialist and author who has been featured on Good Morning America and CNN Financial News, shares seven tips to make your time in your home office more productive. Number one—start with four boxes and a trash bag—’keep’, ‘donate’, ‘recycle’, and ‘other room’.

For richer, for poorer, in Target spending and student loan debt

We chatted with the nationally recognized financial expert Lauren Lyons Cole about dealing with money in a marriage. She shared her favorite budgeting tools (Mint, Sweep, and You Need A Budget!) and helpful tips like remembering to include “fun money” in your budget. We think we can manage that.

Power on, Super Mom.


Team Motherly