To quote Amy Tan. . .

“A mother is always the beginning. She is how things begin.”

Safety first

What we’re thinking as we’re canceling Babymoons and family trips to Mexico, as well as Central and South America. We know know the news about the Zika virus has many mamas freaked out, so we’ve gathered the latest updates from the experts on what to expect—and how to stay protected. ?

Serenity now

Our mantra when our sweet baby turns into a defiant toddler. The upside? Toddlers teach you a ton—like how to be a more patient, loving person. If only personal growth were easier to come by. ?

One. Hot. Mama.

Stretch marks? A softer stomach? Your new mom bod can be difficult to accept at first. So we’re digging how one mama learned to let go of the past, and love her new body post-baby. Girl you’re amazing. . . just the way you are. ?

Perfection? Overrated.

Whether you’re leaning into life at home or at your workplace, you’re going for it. We talked to Lean In President Rachel Thomas on why women need to be easier on themselves when it comes to expecting perfection in motherhood. You’re an amazing woman and mother and YES, that is enough. ?

Yours in tantrums and stretch marks and sinks filled with dirty dishes.


Team Motherly