By now—especially since her baby boy, Rocky, is already here—most people have seen the infamous photo of Kourtney holding a giant poster board at a Blink-182 concert that says, “Travis, I’m pregnant.” But who didn’t know that was going to happen at the time were the rest of the Kardashian crew. And Kris Jenner definitely wasn’t happy about it, as was revealed in the season 4 finale of “The Kardshians.”

In the finale, Khloé Kardashian shared that Kourtney kept them in the dark when it came to the pregnancy announcement. She said her mom found out on the news, and “She wasn’t very happy—rightfully so.”

Kris said she knew Kourtney was pregnant, but she didn’t know how or when she was going to announce it. She found out abruptly, when she woke up the morning after the concert to her TV blaring after being left on overnight. “I woke up, opened my eyes, and right in front of me … I see Kourtney holding a sign and I thought I was being punk’d,” Kris said on the show.  “And then I realized it was ABC News.”

Khloé  said to her mom on the finale, “And when I said on Saturday, ‘Wow, Mom’s feelings are really hurt that you did this,’ she was like, ‘I forgot!’” to which Kris dryly replied, “She forgot she had a family. That’s what pregnancy brain does. It’s wild how that happens.”

Defending her decision, Kourtney said in a confessional on the show, “I just truly didn’t think to invite them to the L.A. concert and didn’t think that they would care to come … and I did tell Khloé about it and she did ask me to change it to San Diego. It’s not about you. It just truly was our way to tell the world, and it’s not about anything else,” she said.

Kourtney continued, “It’s not about you. Everything becomes about everyone and the way they want to do it and all their complaints,” she said. “And I’m like, ‘Ah, I see why I didn’t invite you to the other thing.’”

Kourtney is all of us when it comes to big life events like engagements, weddings, and babies.

It’s always a delicate thing when making a baby announcement, the timing, who to tell, and how. But being a Kardashian definitely throws another wrench in the mix. And Kourtney does include her family after all as we see toward the end of the episode.

Later in the season finale, Kourtney invites her family to her gender reveal party, which is taking place the next day. Kris just laughs and shakes her head about the fact that Kourtney is waiting until the day before to tell the family the gender.

“That’s so Kourtney,” Kris said.