Home / Shop Here’s where you can get Michelle Obama’s ‘VOTE’ necklace This is the same exact one she rocked at the virtual DNC last night. By Motherly Editors August 18, 2020 Rectangle Last night was the kick off to the Democratic National Convention —except this year it was held virtually for the first time ever. One of the key speakers was Michelle Obama, who passionately spoke about how important the upcoming election is for the nation and the future of our children. You can watch her full speech here . Her words resonated with many, and also had President Trump tweeting about them . However, it wasn’t the only thing people were paying attention to during her now viral speech. Everyone on Twitter also wanted to know where to find Michelle Obama’s VOTE necklace. Someone find me Michelle Obama’s VOTE necklace immediately please, I need to wear it every day for the rest of my life. — Amanda Litman (@amandalitman) 1597718986.0 So we found it for you! BYCHARI spaced letter necklace This already best-selling necklace is going to go fast so get shopping ASAP. You can fully customize it by choosing length, material and how many letters you want to include (up to a maximum of 10). You can stack several with all your childrens’ names or make a political statement. The options are infinite. $235 Buy Now If you want a more affordable option, we’ve also got you covered. Etsy custom letter necklace You can choose up to 11 letters, material of your necklace and length, making it also fully customizable to what you are looking for. $41 Buy Now We independently select and share the products we love—and may receive a commission if you choose to buy. You’ve got this. The latest Our Partners Brick by brick, LEGO® DUPLO® helps preschoolers build friendships Maternity Planning your maternity photoshoot? A celeb photographer shares her best tips Our Partners Dr. Brown’s bottles are the go-to for this feeding expert and mom. Here’s why Postpartum Products As a second-time mama, these are the 21 items I have for my postpartum recovery