


What happens during a C-section? Your top questions answered

You asked and our midwife answered!


I desperately wanted a VBAC for my second birth experience

I felt like he took my birth experience and placed it into a tiny box to check. Sitting there, I felt like I had my birth plan taken from me. I was powerless and devastated—for months.


My traumatic birth shaped the way I planned for my second delivery

Months after my son was born, after I had finally figured motherhood out a little, I began to cope with my trauma.


I didn’t know how badly I wanted a natural birth until it wasn’t an option

It wasn't until my husband and I dashed out to buy a few baby necessities in case I started bleeding or went into labor early (two of the condition's risks), did I realize I wouldn't get to apply anything I'd already read about natural childbirth. I burst into tears.


I learned how strong I really am when my birth plan went out the window—twice

Even though nothing went according to plan, it was, undeniably, a time of miracles.


Planning a VBAC? 7 things to think about as you approach your birth

Planning a VBAC? Here are some things to consider as you approach your birth.
