

Project Declutter

With growing kids (and growing wardrobes), the closet situation can get out…


13 products that *finally* helped my family get organized

Plus, two organizational rules I now live by.


I stopped feeling bad about saying ‘no’ to toys

We have plenty of beautiful, useful toys in our home already. I have eliminated the guilt of needing more toys to please them because I know they have more than enough.


The painless way to declutter your kid’s toys

It just takes five easy steps.


I’m trying to be a minimalist mom, but I’m sentimental and a LOT of things spark joy

All moms are craving what I am—a sense that I am in control of my life and home, not my stuff.


Why we are doing a ‘no toy’ Christmas

Christmas is more than clutter.


Fall decluttering checklist—here’s what to focus on, mama

Reevaluate, make changes and simplify.


When it comes to decluttering, do what works for you mama

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up doesn’t work for everyone—and that’s okay.
