
flex work

Career & Money

43% of kids have a parent that works non-traditional hours

About 31 million American kids have a parent who’s working outside standard office hours.

Career & Money

To all the hardworking flex-worker moms out there—I see you

To the mom who feels like she can never turn work off completely, because it’s always sort of lingering in the background or humming through her mind—I see you.


Stay-at-home motherhood became so much more fun when it wasn’t my whole identity

There's no reason to fit into JUST the working mom or stay-at-home mom box.


Rise + shine, mama: How to set yourself up for a successful morning ☀️

You can do it! (And you’ll be really glad you did.) 


You know what’s best for you + your baby—including what type of childcare they need

Every single mother I know is figuring it out as she goes, making it work along the way.

Career & Money

Want to work from home? 6 ways to do it + stay sane

2. Make the most of naptime. 


5 smart strategies to design a career that works for YOU

The key to having the career of your dreams is defining “success” for yourself.

Career & Money

Werk is on a mission—to provide flex jobs to mothers where care + career are equally valued

The next phase of the women’s movement is about embracing ambition and care simultaneously, and equally.


5 myths about working from home—what mamas really need to know

#4—You won’t need childcare. False! You will. You definitely will.

Career & Money

Mothers still don’t hold the top jobs in the U.S. It’s time for change.

In the U.S., just 1/10 of the most powerful leaders are women with children. Yet 8/10 top jobs are held by fathers.
