
growing family


Dear second child: I’m sorry you don’t have my full attention

I want so badly to slow down, sing to you, dance with you in the kitchen, babble with you while I prepare dinner. But I am so distracted. So exhausted.


Having 2 kids under 2 was completely different from what I expected

Am I happy we had them so close in age? Absolutely! Are there tears? Oh yes.


How I know I’m 100% done having children (I think…)

It's these moments of second guessing myself—the wondering, the daydreaming—that get me. But it's also the big moments of practicality and reason (hello, day care costs) that then reel me back in. We're doing fine just the way we are.


I have two kids—and I think I’m done

The idea of "more," making more money, obtaining more things—and in my case, creating more life—is not necessarily the ticket to a happier life.


Baby #2 meant life as we knew it was about to change forever—again

I said goodbye to life with an only child that night, but I said hello to a whole new chapter of motherhood.


Having a second child was not only a gift for me—but my son, too

I felt guilty for everything our first child would lose: The constant attention, the full capacity of our love.


Should New Parents Go To Couples’ Counseling?

An LCSW gives tips on the stresses new parents face and how counseling can help.


The 1 Best Change About Baby #2

Find out what you have to gain when you add a second baby to your brood.
