
motherly journey


The moment you become a mother is self-discovery in its rawest form

No one really talks about the redefining moment that happens after you become a parent.


I had preconceived ideas about my autistic child’s future—and I was wrong

After his diagnosis we wrote off so many possibilities in our minds and in our hearts and we didn't need to.

Parental Leave

Going back to work from maternity leave was so hard, I put it off

I was pretty sure my son would be okay, but I was a whole lot less sure that I would.


My life as a mom might look boring—but it’s everything I’ve ever wanted

To an outsider looking in, it probably doesn't look like I did much today.


Motherhood—its beauty and brutality—makes me cry

Tears. The tears. They bubble up without warning. In grocery stores, in the car, watching my daughter’s dance class.


How to make Labor Day a time of new beginnings for mamas

1. I’ll begin each day with opportunity.


How my anxiety taught me to be the mother I always wanted to be

I’ve struggled with anxiety for 20 years or so. While it has been a demon of mine, it has also been a great teacher.


She can sleep in my bed anytime

Why I’ll take my baby in my bed these days.


What do I tell my innocent children about our hurting world?

I’m going to hide mass killings and police shootings and snipers killing officers for as long as I can. But I feel compelled to start the conversation about hate and hurt.


My 3 secret ingredients to a simple, happy summer with kids

I’ve decided these are the only rules I’m really going to care about this summer.
