


I finally learned to let go of my mom guilt once my second child came along

I’m learning and growing just as much as my kids are. 


10 phrases to say (or tell yourself) instead of yelling

“Kids, can you please help me? I feel like I’m about to lose my cool and need your ideas.”


To the mama who wakes up exhausted

Plus the one change you should make that can help.


My gratitude journal helps me find balance in this busy season of motherhood

Writing down those small moments completely changed my life.


I’m learning to love my postpartum body—imperfections and all

Nothing could really prepare me for seeing my naked body for the first time after delivering my beautiful baby.


I swore I’d never do these things as a mom—and then I had kids

Turns out, it’s a heck of a lot easier to have opinions from the outside looking in.


Getting ‘my body back’ after giving birth is about SO much more than a number

It’s not just the pounds and inches shed that matter.


Those little acts you do every day don’t go unnoticed, mama

When you stoop down, brush the hair off her forehead and look her in the eyes as she talks to you—it matters.


I sacrifice sleep for ‘me time’ and it’s hard to stop

I can't even tell you the number of times I've said to myself—okay, I am going to start putting my phone down at 9:30 pm and I'll get right into bed! Then, I am going to read for a half hour and go to sleep by 10 pm!


Every mama needs her ‘thing’—going to Target by myself is mine

Thank you for always having just what I need—even if I didn’t know I needed it yet.


Mamas should be a little more selfish—here’s why

It’s okay—even necessary— to put yourself first. 


Letting go of high expectations helped me become a happier mama

Despite what I have gained as a mother, what I let go of in my journey into motherhood is what’s most important.
