
Third Year, Week 41


I’m trying to be a minimalist mom, but I’m sentimental and a LOT of things spark joy

All moms are craving what I am—a sense that I am in control of my life and home, not my stuff.


Let’s fly —33-month-old

Don't ever lose your sense of wonder. To a child, the most "ordinary" things are magical—an ant walking on the sidewalk, the first snowfall of the season, a bird flying in the sky—and if you think about, it IS all pretty amazing. Take some time to join them as they marvel at these little miracles. And pretty soon, you'll believe in the magic too. XO, TeamMotherly P.S. Magnatiles inspire hours of creative play for kids and parents!


Why fewer toys will benefit your kids

5. Kids develop a greater love for reading, writing, and art.
