
Unique Baby Names

Baby Names

70+ Taurus-inspired baby names for babies born in April & May

Give that little bull a fitting moniker.

Baby Names

55+ baby names that mean happy for your little bundle of joy

It's a joyful time, so, of course, you'll need a happy baby name!

Baby Names

60+ Virgo zodiac baby names for August & September babies

Those born under the Virgo sign are hardworking, kind and loyal.


95 Libra zodiac names for babies born in September and October

Babies born under the Libra sign are sociable, cooperative and fair-minded.

Baby Names

75 warrior names for your little fighter

These strong baby names are perfect for your little warrior.

Baby Names

100 magical, moon-inspired baby names

Luna is lovely, but have you met Miray, Esmeray and Aruna?

Baby Names

‘L is for Lilibet’ & other cute nicknames for your little one 😍

The newest addition to the Sussex family got us thinking: why bother with a formal name when nicknames are so awesome on their own?


These are the top 10 baby names in your state

From Alabama to Wyoming, here are the most popular baby names in America.


Amber Heard welcomes baby via surrogate—and her unique name is gorgeous

In an Instagram post, Amber Heard says, "I hope we arrive at a point in which it's normalized to not want a ring in order to have a crib."

Baby Names

20 July-inspired baby names for your summer babe

For the sunny, independent baby.

Baby Names

50 meaningful names for your rainbow baby

Because your rainbow after the storm deserves a name just as special as they are.

Baby Names

Mom who gave birth at Miami airport gives baby the perfect name

The mom was scheduled to make a connecting flight, but had a bit of a delay.
