Haily Benscoter, Author at Motherly

Haily Benscoter

I am an educator on hiatus, staying at home with my two boys. My partner has been stuck with me since our middle school days here in Midwest Minnesota. My upbringing was filled with tough love, hard work, and hotdish. Writing pulls out all this and the best of me. instagram: @wordsminusfear

woman with sunlight shining on her face - bliss visits

Bliss visits—A story of miscarriage

And as abruptly as she has joined us, she is gone.

November 26, 2023
mother and sons laughing on the couch

I am not just a stay-at-home mom—I am everything my kids need

When someone asks you what you do, reply proudly with “I care for my children.” When you have a moment of feeling small, know that what you are doing for your kids is big.

March 24, 2022