The Fourth Trimester - Adjusting to Life With a Newborn - Motherly

Fourth Trimester

The transition to motherhood is a wild ride. From bleeding to postpartum depression, here’s what you need to know about navigating the fourth trimester.

Postpartum - A mom hugging her newborn

Alone with your newborn: The raw reality of the first day postpartum

The door clicked shut, and suddenly, I was alone. Just me and you. It wasn't supposed to feel this quiet. Or this overwhelming.

November 25, 2024
woman lying in bed experiencing postpartum night sweats

Postpartum night sweats: Also known as your own private summer

Although annoying, postpartum night sweats are common and usually not a cause for alarm.

Updated June 18, 2024
mom holding baby and looking at camera practicing postpartum rest

5 important reasons to practice postpartum rest, according to a midwife

Know this: Treating the first 40 days after birth as sacred may help reduce postpartum depression.

Updated September 20, 2023
mom holding newborn baby while drinking coffee

These under-the-radar-issues are all too common during postpartum recovery

Pregnancy and childbirth can be an amazing experience for women, but it can also cause some intimate issues postpartum.

April 9, 2024
mom in bed nursing baby - postpartum rest

Postpartum rest is important—here’s why you should plan yours

Many attachment theories promote the concept of "nesting" where parents create a hedge of felt safety around their new child by slowing the pace of life, protecting the focus and promoting the connection between main caregivers and their children.

February 28, 2024
mother and baby play together on the bed - first year postpartum data

What I learned analyzing data from my first year postpartum

Everyone’s postpartum experience is different, but one thing is clear: it’s hard work.

December 28, 2023
mom breastfeeding baby - new mama self reflections

Dear new mama: I wish you could see what I see

I did not like who I saw when I was a new mom. I didn’t know this woman yet. I didn’t accept her.

June 21, 2023

I became a 4th trimester traveling physician to transform postpartum care

Our system does not adequately address the medical struggles postpartum mothers face. I’m trying to make changes, one home visit at a time

April 11, 2023
mom snuggling newborns head - postpartum confinement

How to create a postpartum confinement that fits into today’s world

Why this 2,000-year-old practice is still followed by modern mothers.

November 15, 2022
mom and baby during postpartum recovery

3 tips on childbirth recovery from a postpartum doula

I'm here to help you feel confident to enter the fourth trimester.

Updated September 7, 2023
sleeping baby

Should I nurse my baby to sleep? It depends, a sleep consultant says

"With time and consistency, you and your family will be getting the much-needed rest you’ve been searching for."

May 17, 2022
postpartum depression maternal mental health woman sits on couch in doctor's office

At my 6-week postpartum checkup, I lied to my doctor about my postpartum depression

As a physician myself, I knew that our healthcare system doesn’t adequately support mothers after childbirth. Here’s what helped me instead.

May 4, 2022
new mom holding her newborn on the couch

10 essential ways new moms can support their mental health

The most important thing? To remember that this is just one season of your life.

Updated October 3, 2023