Jami Demuth, Author at Motherly

Jami Demuth

Demuth is a freelance writer with experience in newspaper writing, web content, and copy editing. Her writing has covered a variety of topics including opinion, finance, healthcare, home construction, technology, politics, education and parenting. Her writings have been featured in the Des Moines Register, The Gazette, Huff Post, The Mighty, Scary Mommy and ADDitude . https://www.huffpost.com/author/jamidemuth-382 https://themighty.com/2020/09/not-sending-kids-school-covid-19/ https://www.scarymommy.com/things-mother-didnt-tell-me-aging

woman reflecting, sitting by water

When your kids are all grown up and summer doesn’t feel the same

It’s every old cliche, good-intentioned advice, “The days are long but the years are short.” But no one tells you how short.

Updated May 8, 2024