Kristy Ramirez, Author at Motherly

Kristy Ramirez

Kristy Ramirez is a mother of four who writes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, grocery lists, and love letters. Her work has appeared online in Literary Mama, Mamalode, and SheLoves Magazine, among other places. She is working on her first novel and writes about life at livesinprogressnow.

78% of people fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions—try this instead

A whole new approach to making positive changes in your life, mama.

December 20, 2018

Prioritizing my mental health wasn’t easy—but I’m a much better mom because I did

Nothing is magic, but choosing to move forward with treatment has made my life easier and more joy-filled.

August 30, 2018

‘Progress’ in parenting isn’t a straight line, mama

This beautiful journey is full of setbacks, regressions and frustrating stalls along the way.

June 5, 2018
c section scar stomach

My C-section scar is evidence that pain can fade

When I look at my scar now, I see my body's ability to heal, to survive.

Updated September 29, 2022