Home / Randi Zinn
Randi Zinn is the founder of Beyond Mom and RZBeyondMom.com. Born from her own experience of motherhood, and the desire for a more connected community- Beyond Mom offers: Mixers, Events, and Retreats for forward-thinking New York Moms. She encourages moms to cultivate a life “Beyond Mom”- one that embraces the gifts of motherhood but expresses all that they are as individuals: creators, businesswomen, thinkers, friends, and so much more. Randi has partnered with Athleta, Comptoir Des Cottoniers, SoulCycle, Mio Skincare, TOWN Real Estate, The Mother Company, Body Conceptions and IntenSati. Her writing has appeared in Fit Bump, Epoch Times and Well Rounded NY. She is a certified yoga instructor through Laughing Lotus NY and has taught since 2008.
How a new mama of two overcame her fear of being alone with her toddler and baby.