Home / Rebecca Lang
Rebecca Lang lives in San Francisco with her husband and two children. She writes about the world of stay-at-home moms, preschool, and the playground. She's the editor for San Francisco Moms Blog and has been published on a variety of parenting sites, including Scary Mommy, YourTango, and Sammiches & Psych Meds.
If there are so many of us looking for more mom friends, then why is it so hard to actually make them?
6. Organize for the next morning.
Tonight my daughter introduced me to Luna, a light pink, dark purple, and orange cat, and a large, red dog with floppy ears called American Dog who also goes by the nickname of Dave.
Parenting small kids can put stress on a marriage. But perhaps it does get easier, or maybe it gets more manageable, and we get better at it.