Stacy Bronec, Author at Motherly

Stacy Bronec

Stacy lives with her husband and two young kids in Central Montana, where she found herself living in the middle of nowhere after unexpectedly marrying a farmer. A high school counselor turned stay-at-home-mom, she spends her days surrounded by fields and cows, without a person in sight. Every once and awhile she writes on her blog: (usually from her hiding spot in the laundry room), but doesn’t make any promises. You can also find her on Instagram. (@stacybronec) She has been published at Coffee + Crumbs, Her View From Home and Sweatpants & Coffee.

Our kids are only this age once

Have you ever had a moment where it feels like time has actually stopped? You aren't looking at the clock. You are truly looking at your children and soaking them all in. We will never be able to come back to this moment. This age. This night.

November 18, 2019