Angela Le, Author at Motherly

Angela Le

Dr. Angela Le is a leading integrative reproductive health expert, acupuncturist and founder of Fifth Avenue Fertility Wellness in New York City, as well as one of the first practitioners in the country to focus exclusively on fertility. For over 17 years, she has dedicated her practice to support, treat and empower thousands of women. Respected and trusted by the leading reproductive endocrinologists throughout the country, she works in collaboration with both physicians and patients to provide a holistic perspective and create a personalized experience directed at the best possible conditions for conception.

woman on her phone - not getting pregnant

When everyone but you is getting pregnant

Be gentle with yourself.

Updated November 14, 2022

Which supplements should I take to increase fertility?

While no supplement is a "magic bullet" for fertility, many over-the-counter fertility supplements can supply necessary nutrients.

Updated November 22, 2022
Woman sitting down

Talking to a Friend About Her Infertility

Tips and advice for supporting a friend or loved one through infertility

September 21, 2016
young family in bedroom with mother, father and daughter in natural light secondary infertility

Coping with secondary infertility: 5 steps to take

What to do when you have trouble getting pregnant the second time around.

Updated January 5, 2022

The Truth about Men’s Infertility

7 simple changes men can make to improve fertility.

April 12, 2016