Emily Lynn Paulson, Author at Motherly
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Emily Lynn Paulson

Founder of the Sober Mom Squad, Emily Lynn Paulson is the author of ' Highlight Real: Finding Honesty & Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life' and a contributor in Addiction Diaries: Stories of Darkness, Hope, And All That Falls In Between. Emily is a writer, speaker, Certified Naked Mind Coach, She Recovers Designated Coach, and a member of the long-term recovery community. Sober since January 2, 2017, she has appeared on media outlets including The Doctors, Parade, Today Parents, and USA Today, discussing how to end the shame and stigma of mental health and substance abuse. Her recovery path is focused on ruthless honesty, grace, and self-love, and she believes that sharing our truth with each other is the best resource of all. Emily lives in Seattle with her husband and their five children.


My daughter knew I had an alcohol problem—but she loved me just the same

My children's love has been unwavering as I recover.


Please stop telling burned-out moms to ‘just have a glass of wine’

We're expected to do it all, and then a big glass of wine will make everything better—but we know this isn't true.
