Josephine Atluri, Author at Motherly

Josephine Atluri

Josephine Atluri is a mindfulness author, coach and podcaster. Her experience creating her family of seven children via IVF, adoption and surrogacy inspires her work as a highly sought-after fertility and parenting mindfulness coach. She is the author of "Mindfulness Journal for Parents" and "5 Minute Mindfulness for Pregnancy."

big family sitting on the couch together looking at a book

Things not to say to moms of a big family

Questions not to ask to your busy mom friend with many kids.

August 9, 2022
mom kissing twin boys on the head

3 lessons I’ve learned raising 3 sets of twins

A mom of seven shares how she manages stress and stays present for each of her children.

June 6, 2022
woman running her hands through her hair

How to reduce stress while trying to conceive

Learning strategies for stress reduction can help you navigate the numerous ups and downs that come with trying to conceive.

Updated March 31, 2022
woman smiling by a window - mindfulness exercises

4 easy mindfulness exercises to use when you’re trying to conceive

Getting pregnant can be hard on your mental health. Here's how to weather the storm, mama.

Updated November 2, 2022
infertility awareness: woman looking at pregnancy test at home

8 things I want you to know about infertility

It's important to normalize infertility challenges.

Updated March 28, 2022

What I wish I could tell my past self after my miscarriage

"Please know that this loss does not define you, your value or your self-worth."

November 2, 2020