
Kelly Guinn

Kelly is a writer and editor living the working mom dream in suburban Oklahoma City with her husband and two children. As if that weren't basic enough, she also drinks copious amount of coffee each day. Her writing has been featured on Scary Mommy, Today Parents, and the Oklahoma City Mom's Blog, where she's also the managing editor. In lieu of doing laundry, she spends her spare time chronicling life's (mis)adventures on Instagram and Facebook. You can find more of her writing at TheOKMomma.com.

Career & Money

To the working mom who always feels like she’s in two places at once…

The truth is it’s hard not thinking about work when you’re home or home when you’re at work.


How I’m finding joy in the circus season of motherhood

For those days when you feel like a ringmaster—with lions on the loose and clowns who refuse to cooperate.
