
Liz Petrone

Liz Petrone is a mama, yogi, writer, warrior, wanderer, dreamer, doubter, and hot mess. She lives in a creaky old house in Central New York with her ever-patient husband, their four babies, and an excitable dog named Boss, and shares her stories on her blog. You can also follow her on Facebook.

I miss my husband

I miss him the way you miss something you used to have and totally took for granted, like collagen or personal space or uninterrupted sleep.

Updated Sep. 30, 2022

I have 4 kids—and this is the most important thing I’ve learned about parenting

Someone asked me recently what it's like to have four kids, and I paused.

Updated Oct. 14, 2021

From one sleep-deprived mama to another, please rest

While sometimes it can feel selfish or even indulgent to take time for ourselves, no one wants a sad, broken mama. We need to take time to do the things that heal us.

Updated Sep. 26, 2018

True life: Once I started asking for help things got so much better

And now I kind of want to shout what I've learned from the rooftops: I need help and that's okay! And it's okay if you need help too!

Updated Jan. 31, 2018

Honestly, my marriage wasn’t ready for a baby

Today I was sad. So I did what any other sane person would do: I dug my wedding dress out of the attic and wore it while I made dinner.

Updated Feb. 09, 2022

This life is chaotic, imperfect… and all I really need

Sure, there are ways I would *like* to improve. But, you know what? I’ll still be fulfilled if they never happen.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021