Liz Petrone

I miss him the way you miss something you used to have and totally took for granted, like collagen or personal space or uninterrupted sleep.
Someone asked me recently what it's like to have four kids, and I paused.
While sometimes it can feel selfish or even indulgent to take time for ourselves, no one wants a sad, broken mama. We need to take time to do the things that heal us.
And now I kind of want to shout what I've learned from the rooftops: I need help and that's okay! And it's okay if you need help too!
Today I was sad. So I did what any other sane person would do: I dug my wedding dress out of the attic and wore it while I made dinner.
Sure, there are ways I would *like* to improve. But, you know what? I’ll still be fulfilled if they never happen.