Werk, Author at Motherly


Werk is a startup championing flexibility as the future of work. 80% percent of companies offer flexibility, but the uptake is low because of unclear communications and frameworks. Lack of flexibility disproportionately affects women's path to leadership. Learn how Werk is revolutionizing the workplace here.

woman sitting with baby at home while working - workplace flexibility

6 common myths about workplace flexibility—debunked

Myth #1: Women who request flexibility are less serious about their careers.

Updated March 27, 2023

Managing caregiving and work isn’t a woman’s issue—it’s a human issue

The conversation about caregiving and work must be more inclusive.

November 29, 2018
woman talking on the phone while holding a tablet

No, motherhood does not make women less ambitious

With flexibility, we can do both. Or either. It all comes down to choice.

July 6, 2018