When we think back to December or January, those months feel so far away. The world has changed completely in just a few short weeks and the days are becoming longer for mothers who were already working so hard.

The reality is: We’re in the middle of a global crisis. And it’s okay to say that this is hard. It’s also okay to say that some parts (like more family time) aren’t so bad.

But as we’ve said before at Motherly, the mental load of motherhood pre-pandemic was heavy, and now it is only getting heavier.

Mothers in America carry an incredibly heavy mental load and now we are facing financial, personal and psychological challenges, all while fearing for the health of our families.

We’re homeschooling our kids.

We’re figuring out how to get enough groceries.

We’re navigating income loss.

We’re trying to keep the family happy in tough times.

New research suggests that women are reporting higher rates of psychological distress than men during this pandemic, and we want to know how mothers (like you!) are really feeling.

Please take our survey to tell us how COVID-19 has impacted your life, mama.

We want to know how you are doing so that we can be there for you.