Well, it’s still Women’s History Month. Are you ready to feel some patriarchy-driven rage? Because once you watch this video, that is all you will feel, I guarantee it.

I don’t even have words. Just press play and see this for yourself.

Yep. In that clip, Laura Haynor introduced herself as she testified during a hearing in front of Minnesota legislators.

“My name is Laura Haynor, and I’m a Minnesota resident and a Minneapolis-based pilot for Delta Airlines,” she said.

During questioning, Minnesota state senator Gene Dornink asked her, “what a typical workweek is like for you as a stewardess.”

Cool. Cool cool cool.

Immediately, several people shouted at Dornink that Haynor was a pilot. And God bless Haynor for keeping her cool as she calmly corrected him, saying, “I’m a first officer for Delta. I’m a pilot for Delta.”

Dornink then apologized for the error, saying, “I’m so sorry. I apologize. I don’t know why I said that, I’m so sorry.”

The thing is, though, we all know why he said that.

“You’re a woman, so you must be a stewardess,” Minnesota U.S. representative Ilhan Omar wrote on social media in a handy translation, in case anyone didn’t get the subtext.

Never mind the fact that he called her a “stewardess,” a job title that stopped being a thing right around the time in-flight cigarettes were banned and Pan-Am went out of business. 

So uh, yeah, if we had to guess, he said it because of misogyny. Yep. That’s it.
Oh, and to add another layer to this whole situation, Haynor was testifying on behalf of Air Line Pilots Association International, which represents 2,400 pilots, in support of amendments to Minnesota’s “sick and safe time” law, which provides guaranteed time off for illness, medical treatments, and care for family members. The law also covers “safety leave” so employees can seek help and care in cases of domestic violence and sexual assault, which dispproportionately affect women.