
work motherhood


Confession: I never thought I’d be a SAHM, but it’s the right fit

Unlike many women I know, my progression to becoming a stay-at-home mom was neither planned nor expected.

Career & Money

You’re not a bad mama because you work

Here are five ways to help you get through that guilt.

Career & Money

Working makes *me* such a better mom

I feel more balanced as a person because working helps me maintain my own identity.


Fergie on working mom guilt and dealing with ‘mommy shaming’ is ALL of us

“I remember going to the studio the first couple of times and sobbing in the car. It was the weirdest thing ever.”

Career & Money

My mornings are hectic—and other confessions from a working mom

Why can’t we talk about what it’s really like?

Parental Leave

How to ease into being a ‘working mom’ during maternity leave

3. Take time to consider your ideal version of work and motherhood.

Career & Money

To all the hardworking flex-worker moms out there—I see you

To the mom who feels like she can never turn work off completely, because it’s always sort of lingering in the background or humming through her mind—I see you.

Parental Leave

Harvard researchers say this is the ideal parental leave policy

Let’s get rid of this “primary parent” notion from the get-go. ?


9 ways to stay super-bonded with baby as a working mother

3. Leave at least 2 hours between your return home and your baby’s bedtime, if possible.

Career & Money

How to have a career, be a mother—and *not* lose your mind

1. I determine my non-negotiables

Parental Leave

10 reasons I’m not that sad about going back to work, TBH

9. It makes me feel like a strong role model for my daughter.
