Annabelle Moseley, Author at Motherly

Annabelle Moseley

Annabelle Moseley is an award-winning poet, author of nine books, professor, and speaker. Her most recent book is a double volume of poetry filled with Dramatic Monologues in the voices of notable and notorious Biblical characters, entitled: A Ship to Hold the World and The Marionette's Ascent (Wiseblood Books, 2014). Walt Whitman Birthplace Writer-in-Residence (2009-2010); in 2014, she was named Long Island Poet of the Year. Anna teaches Poetry and Religious Studies and is a Lecturer at St. Joseph's College in New York. She blogs about the interaction between the arts and faith at and has a forthcoming book about Motherhood and the Arts. Her passions include nature, flamenco music, and above all, being a mom.

mom celebrating after having a baby

Why waiting to find out your baby’s sex can be (surprise!) awesome

Not finding out your baby's gender is an act of supreme trust that all will be well—and that ultimately you will have what you are meant to have.

March 2, 2024

Becoming a mother made me love mine even more

I realize now, firsthand, more facets of my mother's love for me. I viscerally understand the sleepless nights, the aches and pains, worries and unrelenting devotion even in the face of great challenge.

May 8, 2020