Ashley Woodbeck, Author at Motherly

Ashley Woodbeck

Ashley is a mother, wife and writer in west Michigan. Read more at her blog, A Mother's Window.

6 important life lessons my toddler taught me

1. If you’re persistent enough, you will usually get what you want

January 27, 2017

Husband, I am (more than ever) thankful for you

Parenthood has been one of the great fruits of our marriage.

November 19, 2016

Why choosing home birth is right for us, right now

Choosing home birth has given me peace of mind.

November 3, 2016

How I found a career path I adore: stay-at-home mom

I stopped doing a job I really didn’t love for one that brings me profound meaning: motherhood. 

October 13, 2016
young woman holding a newborn baby

Dear husband: Why becoming parents was the best thing that happened to us

I realized how to sacrifice for love and place someone else’s happiness and well-being before my own.

September 21, 2016

6 encouraging phrases to say to your child every day

Encourage respectful manners and happier kiddos with these simple tips.

Updated May 19, 2022

My daughter deserves privacy on social media—and I’m going to give it to her

Sometimes what appears to be a simple habit ends up carrying a greater meaning than I first thought.

August 1, 2016
baby clinging to moms chest - unmedicated birth

I am strong: How my unmedicated birth changed me

I realize how extraordinary my body really is—it not only is able to give birth but was, in fact, made to do so.

Updated November 28, 2022

How pregnancy & motherhood taught me to let go of control

Life is a gift not to be firmly grasped but accepted with open arms.

May 17, 2016

What a stay-at-home mother sacrifices—and what she gains

The reality of staying home all day with a young child is that it can be quite isolating.

May 16, 2016