Home / Ashley Woodbeck
Ashley is a mother, wife and writer in west Michigan. Read more at her blog, A Mother's Window.
1. If you’re persistent enough, you will usually get what you want
Parenthood has been one of the great fruits of our marriage.
Choosing home birth has given me peace of mind.
I stopped doing a job I really didn’t love for one that brings me profound meaning: motherhood.
I realized how to sacrifice for love and place someone else’s happiness and well-being before my own.
Encourage respectful manners and happier kiddos with these simple tips.
Sometimes what appears to be a simple habit ends up carrying a greater meaning than I first thought.
I realize how extraordinary my body really is—it not only is able to give birth but was, in fact, made to do so.
Life is a gift not to be firmly grasped but accepted with open arms.
The reality of staying home all day with a young child is that it can be quite isolating.