Bree Najera, Author at Motherly

Bree Najera

Bree Najera is a wife, a mother and a Lyme disease fighter. It is her passion to help other moms declutter daily life to make space for joy! You can find her and her thoughts at Room for Joy.

5 ways to simplify Christmas—and embrace the joy—this year

5. Limit your commitments so you can focus on family time. ✨

December 5, 2017

Halloween brings my whole family together—and I love every second of it

The entire family gets to be “kids” for the night.

October 20, 2017

When to drop everything + listen to your kids

Let’s get better at recognizing essential moments—those times when your child’s need for love trumps your own agenda.

October 2, 2017

5 overlooked joys my toddler has taught me to appreciate

Your toddler’s perspective can be eye-opening.

September 11, 2017

5 lies I seriously believed when I first became a mom

Luckily, here’s the real truth.

September 4, 2017

The ways my disability is also a gift to my child

There are compromises. But, in those compromises are invaluable lessons. ❤️

July 19, 2017