Chelsea Enders, Author at Motherly

Chelsea Enders

My name is Chelsea Enders, married to Brooks, and I am a military brat turned military spouse. I have a mini girl squad of three girls, six and under. We are currently stationed in Ohio, but this is definitely not where we'd call home. We enjoy traveling, being outdoors, and giving our girls the gift of adventure. Sometimes this adventure is me-versus-three traveling the world, and sometimes it's simply splashing in mud outback. Either way, I love this blessing of being a mom. I am fortunate (and crazy) enough to be able to stay home, homeschool, and juggle all that motherhood throws my way. With this, I hope to be able to share both good and bad lessons of this motherhood life, to empower and encourage other moms to do the same!

military mom with twins on a couch- life as a military spouse

To the military mamas, your service isn’t invisible

I see you, whether or not you're the one who wears the uniform.

Updated May 1, 2024