Danielle Rivenbark, Author at Motherly

Danielle Rivenbark

Danielle is a 30-something event professional, wife, and mom of four kids, loves blogging about her life “coordinating kids and events” on her personal website: https://daniellerivenbark.com/. She is happily married to her polar opposite, Jerry. Together they co-host their own podcast, Have Kids They Said.

man and woman kissing

I don’t feel like ‘me’ right now, but please love me anyway

I long to reconnect with you again. I long to put that stellar dress and heels back on. But I feel like leaky breasts are probably the least sexy thing, right?

October 17, 2019

Dear 3rd child: These are the good (and bad) ways I will do things differently for you

I'm not saying you won't challenge me or that I will be perfect, but I will have more patience and a lot more experience than I did with your siblings

October 9, 2018