Dr. Laura Markham, Author at Motherly
little girl jumping on the couch- how to parent a strong willed child

12 tips for peacefully parenting your strong-willed child

Here's how you can transform the power struggles between you and your strong-willed kiddo.

Updated May 30, 2023
child washing dishes in the sink

Your guide to age-appropriate responsibilities for toddlers to teens

When is your child old enough to choose their own clothes, make their own friends or clean their own messes? You might be surprised.

September 7, 2021
mother touching noses with son in kitchen - raise resilient kids

Resilient kids have parents who do these 10 things

It's not about letting your child fail, it's all about providing support along the way.

Updated February 15, 2023
toddler sleeping in bed

15 ways to help your toddler become a good sleeper

Is your toddler a light sleeper? Or worse yet, a no-sleeper? Help is on the way.

July 7, 2021
little girl sitting on the toilet

Guess what? You don’t have to potty train your kids

Instead, set up conditions so your child can learn.

June 22, 2020

14 tips for positive parenting out in the real world

Because parenting in public, or under the critical gaze of extended family, can be some of the hardest moments.

January 25, 2019
mom talking to daughter on the couch

13 realistic ways to transition to peaceful parenting

The secret of making this transition is having compassion for yourself, just as you do for your child.

May 11, 2018

6 effective + empathetic ways to set limits with your child

If your child doesn’t think you’re on his side, why should he do what you want?

February 27, 2018