Dr. Monica Morell, Author at Motherly

Dr. Monica Morell

Dr. Monica Morell is a yoga practitioner and holistic consultant in the Greater-Boston area. She is in the family building practice. Monica developed a seminal fertility yoga sequence that has been around for several years and which has helped many women and couples build their families across the world. She offers remote (Skype or facetime) yoga classes , and holistic consultative services for women and couples and local private sessions, workshops and seminars. She is the author of several articles on fertility yoga and her video, Fertility Yoga with Dr. Monica Morell is known as a ‘go-to' family building video. You can reach Dr. Morell at morellyoga@gmail.com.

woman doing yoga outside - fertility yoga for anxiety

Yoga can help reduce anxiety when trying to conceive

Fertility yoga is a rhythmic practice that focuses on the reproductive and hormonal system.

Updated November 28, 2022