Gabrielle McDade, Author at Motherly

Gabrielle McDade

Gabrielle is a midwife, mama, and coach. She believes that new parenthood is a transformative rite of passage that deserves to be respected every step of the way. She began her work supporting families as a fire ignited in her around the lack of comprehensive care for pregnant and postpartum people. Her work was largely inspired by her personal postpartum journey. She believes that all families should have choices surrounding their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Gabrielle provides birthing families with the time and space to develop a relationship of trust, honor their intuition, and make informed choices for themselves. She is dedicated to serving all women, birthing people, queer, trans, and non-gender conforming individuals. Gabrielle hosts a Monthly Mothers' Group for pregnant and postpartum people.

low milk supply: woman breastfeeding child

To the mama with low milk supply: You are resilient and more than enough

It was only after I had made peace with no longer breastfeeding my son, that the right tools fell into my lap and the milk began to flow. After many months of striving, I could finally exhale.

March 5, 2024
young mother holding her infant son

How night weaning saved my sanity

At times I found myself mourning the loss of being a fountain of endless comfort and nourishment for my son. In my heart and in my weary mama bones, I knew that we were on the right path—a path towards sustainable motherhood. 

May 26, 2022