Home / Jayme Yannuzzi
Jayme Yannuzzi holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Penn State University and a master's degree in elementary education from Duquesne University. After teaching second and first grade for eight years, she now runs toddler play groups throughout Tampa, FL in between taking care of her six-year-old-daughter. She shares activity ideas, printables, and resources to entertain and educate children at home through her blog and social media, Teach Talk Inspire. She is passionate about play-based learning and helping parents enjoy their day at home with their children while empowering moms. She is the author of three books, 100 First Words for Toddlers, 100 First Animal Words for Toddlers, and My Preschool Reading Workbook. Jayme lives in Florida with her daughter, husband,and dog.
I don’t care if you make all your own food or mac n cheese from the blue box. I just care that you don’t put down other moms on the internet who do.
I quickly learned that not all screen time is created equal.