Jenny Abamu, Author at Motherly

Jenny Abamu

Jenny Abamu is a seasoned journalist, dedicated U.S. diplomat, and passionate writer. Previously with NPR, her reporting prowess earned her finalist spots for both the Livingston Award for Young Journalists and the Investigative Reporters and Editors Audio Reporting award. Beyond her professional achievements, Jenny embraces the joys and challenges of motherhood with her two young children. Hailing from Dallas, Texas, she holds a B.A. from Baylor University and an M.A. in International and Comparative Education from Columbia University. A unique feather in her cap? Jenny stands as the sole diplomat to have interviewed both Secretary of State Tony Blinken and his wife, Evan Ryan, the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs.

family holding hands around dinner table breaking cultural traditions

Facing opposing family values this holiday season

I hope to teach my boys the importance of breaking norms, of participating in traditions while also shaping them. 

December 19, 2023
woman sick in bed- flu and exhaustion season

It’s flu and exhaustion season

The hours of the night stretched and warped, blurring into an endless loop of trying to soothe my child, all while battling the drowsiness threatening to pull me under.

November 26, 2023