Karen Nitsche, Author at Motherly

Karen Nitsche

Karen is a full-time mum to two gorgeous girls, Ella and Chloe. She is also a pediatric speech pathologist and has worked over the past 12 years in both Melbourne and Perth. She is currently taking time out from her part-time job with a not-for-profit parenting support organisation in Perth, Western Australia.When she's not busy reading books, splashing in puddles or checking the letterbox with her two wonderfully chatty girls, she is helping other parents give their kids the gift of language through her website www.talkable.org.au. Follow Karen on Facebook- www.facebook.com/talkable.org.au.

A promise to my second-born child—I’ll make time just for you

Today I promise to marvel at the tininess and perfection of your body, and celebrate as you reach every milestone.

October 27, 2017