Katie Blackburn, Author at Motherly

Katie Blackburn

Katie Blackburn is a mama of three who is still very much learning how to be a mama at all. She is saved by grace, cold brew coffee, and quiet mornings at her desk. You can find most of her words on her blog justenoughbrave.com, where she writes about faith, motherhood, special needs and all the lessons life teaches her. She is also a regular writer at the Coffee + Crumbs blog, a contributing author to The Magic of Motherhood (Zondervan, 2017) and a big fan of instagram.

I wanted to be something great, so fate made me a mom

Somewhere along, I accidentally got the idea that motherhood is simply a bit of a holding season.

December 21, 2017
one mom holding a baby while another mom helps a toddler stand

A ‘thank you’ to the mom friends who love my children as their own

Love me and I’ll be grateful for your friendship; love my babies, too, and I will do anything in the world for you.

Updated May 19, 2022

To the mom friend who loves my children, too…

It’s one thing to have mom friends. It’s another to have mom friends who truly love your own children.

July 25, 2017

Are you ever ‘ready’ to have a baby?

Motherhood isn’t about getting ready. Motherhood makes you ready as you live it.

October 21, 2016