Marcella Kelson, MSc, LMSW, Author at Motherly

Marcella Kelson, MSc, LMSW

Marcella Kelson, MSc, LMSW is a Maternal Wellness Expert with a background in mental health and developmental psychology. Marcella's mission is to provide authentic, tangible and empowering tools for millennial mothers- covering a range of topics such as identity loss, to career change, relationship & parent-child dynamics. Marcella provides coaching for mothers on individual, group and corporate levels.

woman performing self breast check - breast self-exam

A breast self-exam saved my life—four months after my daughter was born

Here’s what to know about pregnancy-associated breast cancer.

Updated October 4, 2024
child cleaning up toys - organized kid

How to raise an organized kid, according to an expert

Children are born with the ability to be organized, but it’s up to us to help them develop the skills.

Updated August 17, 2022
pregnancy ambivalence: boy touching his mother's pregnant belly

I’m pregnant with my second baby and feeling ambivalent about it

Ambivalence in pregnancy is not only common, it’s normal. Here’s how I’m processing.

February 2, 2022

5 strategies for coping with a new round of Covid anxiety, from a therapist

It’s our third school year living with Covid. Setting boundaries and managing…

Updated October 14, 2021
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Dear mama, first-trimester fatigue is like nothing you’ve known before

If it feels like you don't have much else to give right now, it's because you don't.

September 17, 2021