Nicole Slaughter-Graham, Author at Motherly

Nicole Slaughter-Graham

Nicole Slaughter-Graham is a Florida-based freelance journalist, writer and mother of two. She's written for many digital and print publications on topics like health, real estate, motherhood, social justice, and women's issues.

True life: Marriage counseling helped us be better partners—and parents

What we failed to realize was that we were giving each other what we needed, not what the other person needed.

May 14, 2018

The honest way we discuss race with our biracial children

In today’s sometimes volatile environment, we don’t shy away from the tough conversations.

February 27, 2018

This Christmas, we’re giving our son the 3 items he asked for—and that’s it

I thought that maybe his small list was a fluke, a one-time occurrence, but I was wrong.

December 7, 2017