Sarah Cheng, Author at Motherly

Sarah Cheng

Sarah is a mother of two living with her family in Toronto, Canada. After her own struggles with new motherhood, she founded a business that wants to help new mothers feel understood. Her writing is often about benign characters in heartfelt situations. Sarah’s writing has appeared in various literary journals. You're welcome to learn more about Sarah's work at or on Substack.

pregnant woman- women who call themselves mothers

To the women who call themselves mothers, and those who almost did

If this day means joy to you, may you have the happiest of all days. But if this day means grief to you, may you find understanding for your quiet burden.

May 19, 2024
two women at holiday party kind words for a friend experiencing infertility

Broken hearts at holiday parties

While all along I was trying to find the right words, maybe all we needed was a kind way to speak.

December 27, 2023