Stacie Pozdol, M.S., LMHC, Author at Motherly

Stacie Pozdol, M.S., LMHC

Stacie Pozdol, M.S., LMHC is a licensed, masters-level therapist with 20 years' experience working with individuals and families. She currently divides her time between running her own private practice and sharing her expertise on her blog: Stacie lives in Indianapolis with her husband and two teenagers.

stress in children: mom sitting on bed with hands over head

8 signs of stress in children—and when to seek expert help

How do you separate normal kid adjustment behavior from something more significant? Here's how to tell when extra support may be needed.

Updated May 2, 2022

Quiet time is essential for kids’ brains—here are 5 ways to get it

Experts say kids need quiet time as much as they need play.

August 11, 2020

4 must-do steps after your child gets a diagnosis

Having a child with extra needs isn't easy, but these manageable strategies can help

July 10, 2020

8 fun ways to help high-risk kids feel connected this summer

For children with medical conditions or special needs, this summer is complicated.

July 2, 2020
mom on a beach with two kids

Here’s what your kids REALLY need this summer

And it's got nothing to do with camp, technology or childcare

June 25, 2020
siblings sitting on a doorstep

If your kids are constantly fighting, try this

2. Use timers to support sharing.

May 29, 2020
mom holding a sad toddler

8 phrases that help kids deal with disappointment

"I'm sorry this is happening. I wish I could fix it for you."

Updated April 4, 2022