Xavier Rios, Author at Motherly

Xavier Rios

Father of two. Husband of one AMAZING mother and person.

working dad playing with his baby

This boss’ words to a working dad is something every father needs to hear

Nothing I ever accomplish in my career will be seen as more memorable than the memories I am making being a dad.

February 9, 2023
mom exclusively pumping while baby lays on bed

To my wife who is exclusively pumping: I am in awe of you

"I may not know much about a woman’s body or breastfeeding, but I was super proud and grateful that she was able to go that long trying to breastfeed and pumping."

August 15, 2022
boy with baby sister

Dear Son: You didn’t ask to be a big brother but I’m so glad you are

The days are long right now, but it makes me so excited about seeing you two grow up together.

July 5, 2022
happy couple hugging

From a husband’s perspective: My love, I see you

No matter how crazy our lives get from here on out, just remember that I see you. Yes, as a mom, but also as a person. The most beautiful and wonderful person.

May 24, 2022